Monday, September 23, 2013

Emmys: JFK Tribute

Carrie Underwood got to perform at the 65th Annual Emmy's on September 22nd 2013 with Don Cheadle and paid tribute to the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination by paying another tribute and performing the Beatles' "Yesterday" on the 50th anniversary of them performing it for the very first time on the Ed Sullivan Show. Read more about it down below!

Don Cheadle and Carrie Underwood took the Emmy Awards back to the 1963 with a meaningful tribute to the 50th anniversary of JFK’s assassination and the 50th anniversary of the Beatles performing on the Ed Sullivan Show for the first time. So moving!

Don Cheadle Presents Tribute For JFK & The Beatles

Six-time Emmy-nominee Don presented a moving tribute for the 50th anniversary of JFK’s assassination, and the role that all of the television coverage played in marking the terrifying and fateful day on November 22, 1963.
Don started JFK’s assassination tribute by saying,”That [era] was the moment when the television generation came of age. More people got information from TV, such as Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic march. TV gave way to laughter from Dick Van Dyke, Andy Griffith and Lucille Ball — and soon after, they shared grief.”
Don went on to speaking about a lighter moment in TV history – the first time the Beatles played on the Ed Sullivan Show on February 9, 1964, marking a huge and historic connection between television and the impact it had on its audience.
“National tragedy gave way to another event, and a dark cloud was suddenly lifted, making it ok to experience joy again. 73 million viewers [watching the Ed Sullivan Show] underscored the immediacy of TV and the impact on our society. TV has the power to engage, inform and unite. It remembers the past, celebrates the present and anticipates our future,” Don said.

Carrie Underwood Sings The Beatle’s ‘Yesterday’

Carrie performed a beautiful rendition of the Beatle’s song “Yesterday,” glittering onstage in a navy, sparkling one-shouldered gown with images of the Beatles being shown behind her.
Carrie and the Beatles have something in common — they both got to be stars with the help of TV. Since Carrie was discovered on American Idol and the Beatles got to “Beatlemania” status because of their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show, it was so fitting to us that Carrie sang the energetic and moving medley.
Earlier in the day on Sept. 22, Carrie tweeted her excitement for the show, saying, “I’m so honored to be performing on the #Emmys on @CBS tomorrow night! Any guesses on which Beatles song I’ll be singing? I can’t wait!”
The wait is over now and we think Carrie absolutely dazzled during her “Yesterday” performance!
What do YOU think, HollywoodLifers? Did you love Carrie Underwood’s performance honoring JFK?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Sound Of Music

Carrie Underwood will be starring as Maria von Trapp in the NBC live Broadway premiere of The Sound Of Music on Thrusday, December 5th 2013 at 8/7c and the cover art has just been revealed! Take a look!

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Hey Care Bears! I just wanted to take the time to remember the people that were lost today 12 years ago on 9/11/01. Them and their loved ones will never be forgotten and we should all be proud to be in this amazing country that we call our home! "To the world, this is just a place but to us, This Is Our Home".

Monday, September 9, 2013

"Waiting All Day For Sunday Night" Video

In case you missed the debut of Carrie Underwood's "Waiting All Day For Sunday Night", you can see it here! And just in case you missed the score, the Dallas Cowboys beat the New York Giants 36 to 31! I also love how Carrie says "The Giants and The Boys about to throw down"!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday Night Football

Just a little reminder for you guys to tune in tonight to watch Carrie Underwood debut her intro of "Waiting All Day For Sunday Night" on NBC at 7e/6c as the Dallas Cowboys face the New York Giants!